The Animator’s Survival Kit
We recommend that any serious student of animation should buy a copy of The Animator’s Survival Kit, by Richard Williams.
It is now the standard textbook for animators and easily the most comprehensive book available for learning animation.
The Illusion of Life
The Illusion of Life was written by Disney animation legends Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnstone, and represents the accumulation of knowledge of the first “Golden Age” of Disney animation. An invaluable resource.
Cartoon Animation
Cartoon Animation by Preston Blair was the first available book on animation, and has been in print since the early 1950s, regularly updated since then. Still full of very useful material.
Timing for Animation
Timing for Animation by Harold Whittaker and John Halas is another very useful book on animation. It was first written some years ago but was recently updated and edited by former Animation Guild President Tom Sito.
Character Animation Crash Course

Character Animation Crash Course by Eric Goldberg is an excellent resource by one of the most talented 2D animators in the world – the man behind the genie in Disney’s Aladdin.
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